Attendease vs Cvent

See why Attendease is the #1 event management platform for elite event teams


How Attendease outperforms Cvent across the board

Based on G2Crowd Reviews




Event Creation 87% 84%
User Registration Process 85%  84%
Payment Process 98%  84%
Mobile Check-in 93% 88%
On-site Ticket & Registrations 94%  85%
Event Website Creation 88%  79%
Email Customization 82% 80%
Contact List Management 90% 79%
Session Scheduling 92% 83%
Speaker Submissions 93% 79%
Event Agenda & Schedules 89% 85%
Social Media Integrations 90% 81%
Attendee Surveys 87% 82%
Performance & Reliability 89% 85%
API Integrations 95% 79%
Multiple Event Management 91% 89%


Information contained in this table is directly from

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Everything the other platforms offer and more

If you manage numerous events throughout the year and aren’t 100% happy with your current event management tool (or don’t have one), you need to see Attendease in action.

Attendease offers so much more than the standard event management tool: professional website-style event pages hosted on your own domain, scheduling features for speakers, the ability to customize access to teams working on the events plus full automation to make creating new events fast.

Attendease Event Reporting Platform

Find out more about how Attendease can be your superpower for simplifying event management.